Friday, September 12, 2008

MDN gives the Holy 8 Precepts of how to Post....

Go to any article on the MDN and you will find the new Holy "god" given commandments on how and what to post. Keeping it clean, on topic, nothing vulgar or obscene, not threatening to kill someone are common sense.

But not to give outside links other than MDN? That's called monopoly of information. That's being in a closet. That's in direct violation of MDN holy rule #3, to be truthful. MDN doesn't have a corner on truth, they do have a corner on what they can and do print--that's it. Why the Holy Precepts which are a guise to delete? Elections. Less resistance against McCain and the GOP getting elected; though it's not going to matter on the Iron Range scale. Why again? Ego.

Holy Precept #6, "Give us your eyewitness accounts." Journalists get the story, not sit at home and let some un-paid poster get some of the story for them, that's what journalism is about: facts, research, interviews; not being afraid of own Forum. I would suggest to MDN, if the forum isn't working out for you; posters aren't playing the game you want them--pull the plug or have everyone go into the MDN office with drivers license, give them a password and have them post with real name.

Another username, different IP--same me, I'm not going anywhere, in the WWW you don't get rid of anyone but last Username.

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