Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Major Victory For Rangebilly on Predicting the State of America.

Well folks and enemies, I can officially say "I TOLD YOU SO." Look at your Government, look at the economic mess, look at your lying politicians. This Bush War is costing us 1 TRILLION, the Wall Street welfare bailout is going to cost a conservative 700 Billion to 1 Trillion, no candidate can say they "won't" raise taxes--it's impossible for anyone playing the two-party Corporate game.

I Told the Range, I Told them to wakeup and what's my thanks? I'm an extremist, a racist, a radical, a fearmonger, Fredo's account gets deleted. Well Rangers, I'm on top of a higher Mountain in terms of the Greatest Intellect the Range has to offer. I told you so, you made it happen. I WON. You said this wouldn't happen, we were safe, Wall Street and the bogus economic model is safe, blah, blah, blah.... It's time for you to admit this and come out of the ignoramus closet. Victory is sweet, congrats to all those who have helped.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing on how the establishment can say they don't have enough money for universal health care, transportation, roads, vets, etc., and that they will need to study it and have many numerous judicial hearings and "it will take a long time."

And poof, the bailout needs money, and we cannot wait, and we won't have long hearings, etc. We need it asap. Strange days indeed, it shows the power of Corporate America and who pulls the strings. I'm aboard the RB wagon.

Anonymous said...


Some scary stuff, read the comments and see the video along with it. I love that I can post URLs here, not like Russia MDN.

Anonymous said...

McCain has said numerous times of a "sound economy."

The same liars who are drafting the resolution to the economic problem are the same who established the legislation in the past for it.