Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Many Guilty of the 35W Bridge Collapse

A website for the 35W Bridge Victims Fund: http://www.35wbridge.com/

Why should Rangers care? What should Rangers do for the victims and what to do to prevent future man-made disasters?

You should care because you have caused this--you are guilty. Yes, you. You voted Dem, you voted GOP, you thought great caring minds and individuals were and are caring for your safety--you, you, you and them. Sure, we can argue some politicians wanted Transportation-bridge funding, and I can argue if the Corporate Two Party system didn't exist it wouldn't of happened either.

Sure we have people crying about taxes that rise from transportation repair/projects--but these same crybabies didn't cry when Bush went to War which justifed the loans that will suck the future children dry and cause inflation; it's projected (so far) that this Executive Order War will take a total conservative $600 Billion to take care of the wounded vets in from start to finish. Whose going to pay for that? Or are you going to let the Vets go high and dry? Ask those Nam Vets flaky ones.

Just when you thought you were protecting this Nation against attack, something collapsed. It wasn't caused by a natural event--it was man-made, bridges do have a lifespan. If I drive a junk car and the strut fails and I hit someone causing injury or death, do I blame the strut in which I never checked or just ignored? What about replacing that old, rusty original strut with a new one? What about not driving the car at all? The blame is on the driver.

And so is with many a Minnesota Ranger: a Communist, a Socialist, a Racist, a Materialist, a Sheep, a False Christian, a Bigot... the list goes on, you have put Money ahead of Principle and because of that you have caused the Preisthood of Goverment Function of this State of Minnesota and this Nation into a slippery slope of repression and oppression. What are you telling these victims? Nothing. Most do what after Work?

census.gov — In 2007 the average adult will spend 65 days in front of the TV; 41 days listening to the radio; a little over a week on the Internet; a week reading a daily newspaper; and another week listening to recorded music.

And you wonder why your knowledge of politics and religion and care of family and fellow man is in the toilet? To much of the electric toilet.

You think and are told your free, eh? Then by all means tell me why your Free, tell me why you aren't a accessory to the preventable 35W bridge collapse, tell me why your not a Communist, Socialist, Racist, Materialist, a Sheep, a bogus state mandated approved Judeo Christian, a bigot. Come prepared, your going to need it. Good Luck.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free...."


"Bridges built in the 1950s and '60s -- they use details that are not good for fatigue fractures. That means that this bridge is 'fracture critical.'"
- Hassan Astaneh, UC-Berkeley--Chief Investigator of WTC collapse.

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