Monday, January 14, 2008

Iron Range Mentality of 'No Big Deal' in Mind of Molester

"No big deal." That's what the Pysch evaluation showed for a 27 year old Iron Range man who admitted and was charged with second degree criminal sexual conduct. The female victim was from the age(s) of 9-12 when the abuse happened in Aurora.

NO BIG DEAL. How many times do I hear that excuse when it comes to the spectrum of the political, religious, social, economic, moral and ethical entity ado of the everyday life of an Iron Ranger.

Here is a simple litmus test to see those who cater to the 'NO BIG DEAL' myth:

1. The difference between Collectivism, Democracy, Republic and an Oligarchy.

2. What Communism is. Not what it's labeled. The nuts and bolts of it.

3. What doe the Constitution say about who can coin money?

4. Why does one use the 'lesser evil' [when voting] excuse when he/she claims to be a "Christian."

5. Who owns your Media sources? Who dictates what the curriculm will be in schools?

Don't care and don't know....I know, I know... NO big deal you say, nobody cares. Just like in the mind of a sex molester. You say the Iron Range doesn't have a mentality of "NO BIG DEAL?" Then by method of prose inform me how the Iron Range understands and applies those simple five points given. Good Luck. As if you care.


Anonymous said... shows that US Troops are being asked by superiors if they could shoot on family and friends and American citizens to confiscate guns.
shows that FEMA trains Pastors to pacify the populace in order to maintain martial law--like at Katrina when some citizens were ordered at gunpoint to surrender guns in unaffected areas of the geo-disaster.

Anonymous said...

My nephew whose in the Army commented on a survey given to his unit which asked something of the nature of shooting on American civilians if ordered. Scary.