Monday, February 5, 2007

7 Steps for the Iron Range to Stop being Comatosic Sheep

Welcome to the 7 step Online Iron Range learning emporium. What we will be learning online, for free, with your deductive reasoning is for the real future of the Iron Range--in your hands, not the hands of a few distant others living off the tax coffers and your stupidity/gullibility/laziness. The Iron Range (IR) has two major problems. One being the exodus of young people out of the IR because of limiting opportunities/economics and the other one being an Alcoholic problem. Alcoholic Anonymous "claims" that the IR has the most alcoholics for a percentage of people than any other area in the USA. Yet the press, higher education isn't saying nothing of this. Why? We are told that the IR has no more room for additional economy growth and that HS graduates must then get a college/vo-tech education as this will be the ticket to a good job in a relocated area. Yet what is the placement of a college/vo-tech graduates to work in that specific field and to make the money you thought it would? For Gen X'ers, only 26% will find that job and only 17% will be satisfied with the pay--regardless of position found. So what's up with higher education making all these promises? It's called a money making business; they need money so a sales plugged future is billed to you--and you believe, as we all want to believe in that "American Dream." Don't get this wrong, the IR economy and IR drinking aren't the root of the problem; they are the branches of the problem and from each step, we will get fed more solids into you to deduce and solve the problem. The average American adult watches 4 hours of TV a day; I believe we can take 15-30 minutes a day out of going to the bar, out of tv watching, out of going to the Thunderbird mall, or counting pigeons, or whatever you do to spend the time. For some of us, we will only have 5-10 minutes or less of a attention span; I understand and would suggest to print the Online Iron Range learning emporium or come back later--the mind can only take so much new "stuff" not already programmed into the mind. First off, nobody wants to be told they are wrong and living a falsehood of inconsistency. In fact here and elsewhere people are making money off of fraud, inconsistency, lies, back-stabbing, etc.. So why would people making money off this want to step down from their power base and admit what they are doing and believing is a crock. You must understand that this free online learning program isn't going to be liked or promoted by any so called institution of learning, the Mesabi Daily News or the Duluth News Tribune will not give any of it ink, the city councils aren't going to make it public to the populace, the business people, the doctors, lawyers, average citizen, professors, barfly and especially the mainstream churches aren't going to insert it into the sermons. Don't believe everything and anything you are told; so do your homework and check to see if my percentages for Gen X are made up or not; check to see what AA said about the Range; we are living in the age of the Information Renaissance, you have the ultimate informational library at your fingertips called the WWW. It's time for you to come out of the ignoramus closet. Step 2: I know people who call themselves anarchists, communists, atheists, Christians, nazis, fascists, leftists, liberals, right wingers, republicans, dfl'ers, libertarians and yet what does a label really mean? If a beef steak sold in the freezer had a label on it that said, "Fun tasting and hoping Kangaroo meat" doesn't change it from being beef. A label means nothing. Of all these "labeled" (whether they want to label themselves or others label it for them) different why do they still drive the same roads with, pay the same taxes, shop at the same places, live in houses, work, are subjected to the same laws as everyone else and yet for some reason if they espouse a certain political theory or vote that makes them so different? How? Physically they are doing the same thing as their alleged opposite. It's what you do physically and not what you think you are mentally. Labels are nothing; your alleged political antagonist have so many things in common, you have just been focusing on that narrow trivial not what's in common aspect. You for the Iraq war? Then your tax monies are going for it. Your against the Iraq war? Your tax monies are going for it--it doesn't matter if your a pacifist. Your against abortion? Your tax monies are enforcing/funding it--it doesn't matter if your a evangelical atheist or a Pro-life Catholic. So why do people want to be so different than others? Because they realize they aren't different; they don't have the knowledge, courage, loyalty, strength to do anything that's truly individualistic; oh sure, you can complain, gripe and moan in front of people on how this or that is so wrong and the world is going to shambles but what are you really doing to prevent it? Nothing. That saying you are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Your the latter. Yes, you may think that things are controlled, hoodwinked, and the populace is lied to on a minute basis; but yet you go along with it; yes, you are the problem for sure; more of a problem than the most ignorant person you know. Let's say a slogan that we all must admit, "I've been in denial, I'm a flake, fraud and fool, I thought I was different than other people, something special--but I realize I've been saying this to myself to reinforce my inadequate and insecure feelings, that is why I try to be smart or rich, or try to be a awesome athlete, or try to be the best druggie or drunk in my circle, or strive for mediocrity, hiding as just another wall flower because I fear to be my real true self." Labels are nothing. What you do is you. Step 3: Promotion and the Media. Information is a powerful tool, you can withhold it or disperse it for your promotions sake. Take for example your Mother is drinking coffee with her fellow friends at church and someone asks how you are and what you are doing. Does your Mother tell the truth and say her daughter just got an abortion, is shacked up with some twice divorced 55yr old guy she just meet, dropped out've college because of a drinking problem and is working at a $5.90hr p/t dead end job? No. Your mother candy coats it. "She is working to save up money to go back to college and is living with roommates at a job that is very good paying, that just escapes my mind presently," will be the promotion momma will give to cover-up the true nature of the family fruit. So is with the Media. It promotes the self interests that help it. Whom exactly? Whoever owns that media outlet. Be it one person, shareholders, corporations, etc.. Anyone believing anyone or any media medium is just unbiased and reporting the plain and simple facts is living a pipe dream. Did you think I was just going to bang on the media for being biased, misleading, lying, untruthful, hoodwinking, voices of corporations guised as the thoughts of the average citizen? People do that all the time. They lie, bend, twist the truth or withhold the truth when it cannot promote or suit them. You complain about other people lying and misleading and go into the retrospective mirror and count all the self promotions you have been delivering. Your homework: Type in the words into any search engine, "Why the Media lies" and read the links from the wide spectrum of the labeled political field. And research who owns the Mesabi and Duluth News Tribune and what interests they have in the political world. "If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men." John Swinton, New York Times journalist. Step 4: Imagine cutting a piece of paper and then printing some stuff on it and then selling it for vast amounts. It costs 5cts. for a Federal Reserve mint to produce any denomination.. How would you like to be in business making something that cost (labor plus material) 5 cents per denomination and giving it away in bigger denominations and not once having to show to the public you have the assets to back it up. And guess what? You have no customers because they don't have a choice and that five cents is covered by your customer taxes. Your money system is unconstitutional and fraudulent. You want to solve the economy problem? Republicans & Democrats are scared to death of this issue--they will not solve any economy problem--for they are the problem. For homework: type in "Constitutional money" and "Democracy vs. Republic" in any search engine and read to learn--you can watch tv later--also, those fun electronic/video games: later. "Any thinking person realizes today that something is very wrong with our money. Precisely what is wrong remains largely undefined in most people's minds, because there has been no meaningful public debate on monetary fundamentals in this country for more than half a century. Thus, the public has been denied crucial knowledge of how our system is supposed to work, and what has gone wrong?and instead has been fed, through the schools and the media, disinformation concocted by the very people who led us into the present mess. Yes, some concerned citizens have tried, through the courts or by proposed legislation, to resolve the money question and reform the system. All to no avail. The bills die in committee; and court challenges to fiat currency are dismissed as "frivolous" and appeals denied without hearings or meaningful opinions." by Edwin Vieira, Jr. Step 5. You will find the Media and Education very similar with different environments to deliver the golden rule: those who have the gold, make the rules (90% of US wealth is owned by 2%). Schools are suppose to teach the three R's only after they have told the children on the proper fraud/flake/fools way to "think" about the world on race, religion, politics, history and everything else besides the three R's. You see what the parents say should be disregarded, as this will help educate the kids further into the establishment family and help create biological family divisions which in turn help the establishment economy and power base. They must grow up to believe in the establishment, to work for it and to be good consumers who will be in debt because they will have the "hope and promises" of that good making money job one gets automatically for being a good establishment-obedient person and an "educated" one also--which is earned by paying an educ. establishment and working at the ends they deem. What a deal. Imagine someone working for you 40 hrs a wk. and then they pay you. What a deal. Your homework will be heavy on this one so put down the joystick: Step 6. This isn't going to be a speech about whether God is true or not, your labeled "science" cannot prove or disprove God--two strikes already against them. This is going to be whether your church is mammon oriented or God centered. You see with mammon orientation you have denominations changing (church charter) with the times so the monetary funds (called tithes) can keep coming in; the denominations don't want to offend everyone so they keep with the times on abortion, social issues, race, money, homosexuality, etc., by either saying nothing, endorsing it, or being all talk (label) and no substance saying they are against it. Example, the Catholic church or GOP saying its against abortion and yet they invest into companies/stocks/shares that in turn give millions or billions to the Dem party or some abortion cause; and why would the Church then take the tithe money from a vocal-voting pro abortioner? It's good for business. Another good example of putting God aside is Lutherans (Missouri Synod, ELCA, etc.) who say they follow the great Reformer Martin Luther who said usurers should be hanged and yet say nothing of this but use this practice themselves. Since the Reformation era to the last 100 years, most Christian denominations refused membership to anyone who loaned money at interest. So what happened? Money overtook the word of God. Membership = money is good business. On top of all that you have denominations telling the sheeple that if your obedient to their word and the civil government that your annual gross income will multiply and you will all be rich from the blessings of Jesus; and yet where was the earthly riches for the twelve disciples who were killed for the message? Those fed to the lions? Where was their money? But the USA is labeled a "Christian nation," so things are different your programmed response barks? Go back to step 2--read it again. I don't have any problem with obeying the Constitution, the law of the land--what I have a problem with is those who believe the liars/crooks dressed up as politicians, lawyers, clergy, judges saying what it isn't and you act like its the word of God and its "Christian" to be obedient to the flakes, frauds, murderers and think Jesus likes it. Being obedient to the civil authority is the Constitution (as learned from step 4 if you done your homework) and not all the added garbage and falsehoods your mammon oriented clergy supports and encourages. You see if a Church isn't with the times, the media comes in and calls it a "cult." And this scares off people to it and parishioners leave because the media states on how sheeple should behave and act and they don't want the label of being in a "cult." What a powerful and excellent economic and social sanction the frauds/fakes/murderers will give to the disobedient. Wasn't Jesus and his followers called a cult also? Read your bible if you don't already know that answer. Let me get to the point, people go to church to feel/hear that what they are doing is good, they pay to hear it, they don't care what the Bible is saying, that can be interpreted to any ends and you can go to a denomination customized what you want to hear and think justifies you being a true disciple of secular material humanism. And isn't it interesting on how a denomination will use a choice cut old testament verse like, "it says here to give ten percent" and yet nothing on other OT verses (e.g., usury). Mammon over God is the face shown. It's time for you to get out of the 501 (C) 3 state approved-worship religion mandated cults and physically practice the Bible. Homework: "We must obey God rather than Men!" {Acts 5:29} So tell me why is your denomination obeying men rather than God? Ask your clergy next time. Step 7. Racism. I like this topic because it really boils the blood because your state religion, your media, your politics is so doublethink and monopolized in information/disinformation. Let's admit it, your a racist. You don't care about your race or another race. You care about three things: You, me, I--say them. Sure you label yourself as a non-racist, that it doesn't matter what skin color anyone has and maybe you say, "I have friends different than my skin color." And that does what? Prove your not racist? So your saying you believe all races are equal and the same? Not believing you. First off what are you doing for these other races? Are you giving land back to the Indians? No. Are you going into areas where drive by shootings occur frequently and putting up bullet-proof drywall and giving free bulletproof windows? No. Are you freeing the economy (step 4) so it can be truly equal for all? No. Are you giving billions (your taxes) and a vote for Bush to fight those nasty terrorists and yet could care less of the African terrorists killing millions? Yes. But you maybe support the troops and not the war? And you sent a serviceman a high grade bullet proof vest, as well as doing work for his family at home and compensating that Reserve/Guardsman? NO. But you "verbally" support them? So what. Tell me why is it that if a white person wanders into a colored neighborhood and gets shot you say, "he was at the wrong place and that what happens." And yet if a colored person wanders onto a white neighborhood and gets shot you scream, "Racism" and get all riled up? But my favorite media outlet and professor told me that crime/murder is correlated to poverty, will more than likely be your programmed cry. Then why aren't all the whites in poverty putting the same percent of murder and crime than colored murder/crime? Tell me why in the depression of the 30's, why didn't White America then rise up with a huge spike of murder and crime? Tell me why Randy Weaver had his 14 year old son shot and his wife by Federal agents because he had a outstanding warrant (eventually charged with a misdemeanor) and yet just in the state of California alone that year they had over 1 million outstanding warrants including homicide warrants? Come on smart one--tell me. Tell me how is it that you allow minorities to be not represented? In California those classified as whites are in the minority according to your official census. And yet do they have a analogous NAACP? Where is their group? They are a minority, why the double-standard hypocrite? Why aren't you complaining about this? You either love other races or dislike your own, your a racist. Why is it ok for a colored to be verbally a racist and yet if a white individual states racist remarks then something is terribly wrong with him? But your not a racist? Labels are nothing. What you do is you--remember step 2. If you forgot, read it again. You ready for the truth? You have been so programmed against truth you won't like this: "Each year, some 1.2 million violent crimes involving blacks and whites occur nationwide. In fully 90 percent of those cases, according to U.S. Justice Department figures, the perpetrators are black and the victims are white. Violent white felons choose black victims for fewer than 3 percent of their attacks, whereas violent black felons choose white victims about 56 percent of the time. Statistically, the "average" African American is an astonishing 56 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa. In one recent year, approximately 100 black women were raped by white men; the corresponding number of white women raped by black men was over 20,000, according to Dinesh D?Souza in The End of Racism. " Your homework is to go to a labeled "white racist" bulletin site and argue your racist views. Kyle Andressen's next step was going to be about politics but if you don't have enough deductive reasoning already to figure out the way things are--you never will. You can figure out things on your own from here on in, you no longer need me to hold your quivering hand; for most of you this has been just entertainment as you never will or had the courage to be truly independent and hack away at the root of the problem--you were the problem all along. For those who have questions and deductive reasoning skills your answers are just keystrokes away, if you cannot find them--then your not ready or capable. As for those who want to argue, find an appropriate genre bulletin board, if you believe the Federal Reserve is good then go to a site who say otherwise and argue. We have learned so far 99.9% of people are flakes, frauds, fakes, ignorant, racist and bigoted. We learned that we have been living a lie--you knew that but didn't want to know, you had questions and yet you didn't want the answers, you knew and blew it all along. Your probably mad at this new found truth and want to drink it out of existence by going to the Chestnut St. Bar scene; your just a typical penny-a-dozen individual who would've cheered for Hitler if you were a German of that time; you would've worshipped a Stalin/Saddam/Pol Pot and turned in anybody talking about him if you were a Russian/Iraqi/Cambodian of that time; and you would've cursed Jesus if you were from that time; you would jump from a bridge if everybody else did--stop being a sheep and stop being so afraid--it's time to come out of the closet and stop the stupidity your teaching the younger. will help your baby steps.


Anonymous said...

wassup homes?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Everybody states the don't like RangeBilly and what he states but why doesn't anyone refute him then???
Just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Communism is the Range and I will do everything in my power to defeat RB though he's outnumbered by the many communists that vote GOP or Dem; censor the RB!!! Long live COMMUNISM!

Proof Amerika is Communist:

Anonymous said...

2nd attempt to post my comment:

There is a new publication/website coming to Virginia, MN where your (unedited) comments, opinions, essays and research will be welcomed. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity when it arises.

Anonymous said...

I hope your not referring to the MDN forum--nothing of intelligence present in that archaic style of a discussion board. MDN staffers are posing as multiple outside posters to pretend that activity is present--a lame and artificial attempt that will backfire in which they think will bring in money. I do check it out once in a while when really bored though.

Anonymous said...


I understand that you are attempting to establish "absolute truth" in your writings; however, I would suggest brushing up on your writing skills. The articles are filled with many grammical/spelling errors, while the context is breathlessly long-winded. Personally, I find it impossible to find the point you are trying to argue.

Is there one universal "absolute truth"? Or only what is "truth" to some?

Anonymous said...

"The articles are filled with many grammical/spelling errors, while the context is breathlessly long-winded.'

Your right, I'm sure you can make a Seven step program or more and not be long winded, as for grammatical errors and spelling; it does need a revision and I would be happy for you to do it. Rather have substance and evidence vs. nice syntax at this point.

I"s there one universal "absolute truth"? Or only what is "truth" to some?"

That debate could go on forever--and belongs in a Philosophy discussion board. When the world "agrees" on that centuries old question--let me know. I'm leaning that truth is all in genetic strands and none of us will ever agree on universal values or mores; with the exception of those who share those synonmous genes.

Feel free to debunk one of the seven steps or make seven steps and I debunk one. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. RangeBilly took on and smashed the current "perception" of the economic model, race issue, media, constitution, etc., and the "best" argument Anonymous has to say about it is that it's long winded and spelling?

A poor excuse to avoid the issue--get a better excuse and reason. Better yet, do what RangeBilly is challenging. You don't have time? Then don't expect anyone else to have time neither.

Anonymous do you believe the chicken or the egg came first? lol

Anonymous said...

Is anonymous the same Communist sympathizer that posted in the thread about the DFL being communist? Wouldn't be surprised. Why hide behind the 'anonymous' name?

Anonymous said...

Billy, you've got one thing right -- the posters on the Mesabi Daily News site are frauds. "John Galt," who posted here, is the main player.

He'she writes and responds to his own posts! I saved the evidence if you want to see it -- the story and "Galt's" comments (he even compliments himself), have been archived.

I too suspect it is MDN people who play this silly game. "Galt" is always the first to respond to a story and is then able to set the tone for the whole thread.

People have mostly stopped commentating, though, so "Galt" will have to keep talking to himself/herself.

Enjoy your ramblings, JG, because I, like many others, will no longer read them.

Anonymous said...

Not impressed Anonymous, get with the issues, not who is what. Your mentality is that of a 12 year old crybaby from a welfare mom. You sound like so many of the flakes fakes and frauds on the MDN forum, in fact I cannot think of one poster who is valid. It's an Australian septic tank that validates RBs dominance.

Anonymous said...

Presently I'm doing research and making an attack on one of your points. Should be able to post it before Thanksgiving if I can do it at all. This has been a headache for me and I'm tired of running away from the RangeBilly issue, as is everyone else. I put faith that numbers were going to defeat RB, I realize my thoughts were that of the 'Sheep' RB constantly talks about and it was just a soundbyte I falsely put faith into. Get ready RB to be defeated.

Anonymous said...

RangerBill- It is such a pity to see that you are such a pessimistic person who can only find all of lifes flaws! It's a shame you can't live in an optimist's shoes for a while!

Anonymous said...

"It's a shame you can't live in an optimist's shoes for a while!"

School vacation will be over soon and you won't be bored.

Anonymous said...

I think what anonymous was trying to say in his/her comment about your grammatical errors is that this shows your true intelligence and laziness towards the English written language. A person who doesn't have a grasp on the English language, cannot speak intelligently on the topics you are trying to tackle here. You want an example, here's your example. The title of your post has the word "Comatosic". I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, but I'm guessing you mean "Comatose". The proper way of using this word in a sentence is "7 Steps for the Iron Range to Stop being a Comatose Sheep". There, you have fix number one of many in your pathetic little blog. Also, referencing sites such as Wikipedia shows just how inept you really are! FYI, Wikipedia is not factual. It's peoples opinions on topics, just like yours here!


Anonymous said...

Kids, you can dodge the topics all you want and guise it as something else like grammar and syntax.

Remember, if you cannot write your own 7 Steps or More, if you cannot debunk one of these seven steps because of your belief in being a Socialist, Racist, Communist, Sheep, Liar, Fraud, Gullible, etc., don't think for one minute I'm going to waste my time fixing supposed grammaticals/syntax because you cannot write anything I have challenged. Whose the lazy one know?

," Wikipedia is not factual."

Wiki does have many errors and many other mainstream sources leave many things out also. If I take your Wikipedia isn't factual theory--then your saying 6 million Jews didn't die--Wiki states so.

Please get an education and at least be 18 or older to post on this site.

Anonymous said...

Why not attack the evidence at hand?

1. Nothing on this site hinges on Wikipedia; nothing posted on the dull and archaic MDN forum hinges on Wikipedia, give me URL if it does for a specific case example.

2. Your not giving any alternative. Please show me an online encyclopedia like database that isn't PC, that isn't leaving important facts outs. Those who have the gold make the rules and write the history. Show me your awesome 'just reporting the facts' database. Oh, you cannot? You know I will pick it apart. Let's admit to being chicken.

3. Reciprocation. You want something for nothing. Tell you debunk one step or write your own 7 steps or more with your excellent prose. Show us your writing skills, but your afraid to do that? Because you cannot defend being a Communist, Racist, Secular Materialist; anyone can write the best syntax and smoothest words in the World--and I will pick your arguments/facts apart even with your beloved prose. You know it and I know it--that's why you chicken out pathetic Secular Communist.